Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Having Indexed tbl will speed up DTS job ?

Hi ,
I have a DTS job that populates the data from server A to server B.
howver, i did not create the tbl with indexes.
from what i know , creating an indexed tbl will enable a faster retrieval
of data but in the case where my DTS job needs to populates the data across,
will it actually speed my my DTS job performance taking into acct that now
SQL will need to create the indexes for each indexed field ?
appreciate any advise
"The performance benefits of indexes, however, do come with a cost. Tables
with indexes require more storage space in the database. Also, commands that
insert, update, or delete data can take longer and require more processing
time to maintain the indexes. When you design and create indexes, you should
ensure that the performance benefits outweigh the extra cost in storage space
and processing resources."
If you are indexing the source table and are selectivly retrieving the
records, then there may be benefits, if you have indexed the destination
table it may slow the insertion of the records down, but subsequent retrieval
of information from that table can be improved.
A technique that is sometimes used, it to drop the indexes on your
destination table before inserting your records and then re-applying them
afterwards. This can sometime be quicker than doing the inserts with the
index present, and it will also mean that the indexes are less fragmented
(because they have been re-built).
"maxzsim" wrote:

> Hi ,
> I have a DTS job that populates the data from server A to server B.
> howver, i did not create the tbl with indexes.
> from what i know , creating an indexed tbl will enable a faster retrieval
> of data but in the case where my DTS job needs to populates the data across,
> will it actually speed my my DTS job performance taking into acct that now
> SQL will need to create the indexes for each indexed field ?
> appreciate any advise
> thks

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