Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hang while trying to browse thr cube

I am working on the Analysis Services

When I am in Business Intelligence Studio and I right-click on the

cube and I choose browse to open the cube-browser, the Cube-Browser

HANGS FOREVER. it never finishes opening. I always end up using the

taskmgr to kill off Business Intelligent Studio. How is this HANGING

problem fixed?

Please make sure whether cube was processed sucesfully before you are browsing it. and also you have sificient permissions to browse the cube.



I have the same problems.
We have a central MSSQL 2005 (OS: Windows 2000) instance and several clients without a local MSSQL Installation. The people create cubes and there exist 2 problems:
- When the user wants to create/deploy the cube on the central instance he needs administrator rights on the base directory of the mssql installation. (I gave the user that right but it is not the way i want to fix the problem)
- It is not possible that a user can browse a cube. I tested the same process on a machine without any firewall (cleint side) and it works. This machine was not in the same network like the other clients. I tested it again and turned off the windows firewall on the clients in the same network, but nothing changed.

Could anybody help me?


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