Monday, February 27, 2012

Handling errors in transactional replication

I have this problem, I have transactional replication
setup with 2 table as article for a publisher. Consider a
transaction which inserts one row into each of these
table in the publisher database. At subscriber database
one of the commands suceeds and the other fails (lets say
because of duplicate value for a key field).
What I would like is ...
1. Enable the error to be logged to a application table.
2. Have both the commands fail (not just one)
3. Have the replication continue without erroring out
4. Have the erroneous trasction be tried at a later time.
Could help me resolving this sticky problem.
Answers on how to acheive any of the points are welcome
If you have a transaction on the publisher, you may check @.@.error and then
call rollback, but whether you rollback or not the sp is still executed on
the subscriber. This situation is altered (no subscriber call) if you set
the transaction isolation level to serializable. This is important to do
because even if you trap the same error in the transaction on the subscriber
and rollback there, the error is registered and the distribution agent will
fail. SkipErrors would avoid this problem but ideally the call shouldn't be
sent from the publisher to the subscriber if it has already failed once.
Logging of this error could be done from within the transaction using
xp_logevent or simply inserting to a SQL table.
|||Thanks for the response ... though the problem I face is, that the transaction suceeds on the publisher. Its only on the subscriber that it fails.
Any ideas?
-- Paul Ibison wrote: --
If you have a transaction on the publisher, you may check @.@.error and then
call rollback, but whether you rollback or not the sp is still executed on
the subscriber. This situation is altered (no subscriber call) if you set
the transaction isolation level to serializable. This is important to do
because even if you trap the same error in the transaction on the subscriber
and rollback there, the error is registered and the distribution agent will
fail. SkipErrors would avoid this problem but ideally the call shouldn't be
sent from the publisher to the subscriber if it has already failed once.
Logging of this error could be done from within the transaction using
xp_logevent or simply inserting to a SQL table.
in theory this shouldn't be possible! If all the articles are replicated
then the same transaction should be applied.
What is the error on the subscriber?
We are in the design stage ... so the problem is yet theoretical.
The problem is when two commands which are part of the transaction are applied at the subsciber, it could be possible for one of the commands to fail (because of business logic at subscribers end) .
If I were to go the route of using "Continue on Data Consistency Errors" then the failed command will not be applied on the subscriber but the other command will ... which cause an invalid state. If I do not set "Continue on Data Consistency Errors" ... t
hen the replication would stop... that is the crux of the problem.
So an ideal solution would be for both the commands not being applied in case of an error on any one ... the error being logged into an application table (for purposes of monitoring) ... and if possible the transaction marked for retrial later.
Also another question ... can I get the value of the "Transaction sequence number" at the distributer? Can it be passed to the Custom SP's at the subscriber?
Thanks for the help,
my recollection is that if the 2 data modifications are wrapped in a
transaction which has error-trapping (or set xact_abort on) then the
transaction will be successfully completely rolled back on an error at the
subscriber. I haven't tried this out in all circumstances and AFAIR you'll
still need -SKIPERRORS. Am off home now, but will retest it out some time

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