Monday, February 27, 2012

handling nulls with inserts


I've got a program that has a form. ?On the form there are several fields which are optional that I would prefer to remain as NULL in the database (rather than a default value) if the user doesn't fill them out. ?I'm using stored procedures for my inserts (sql 2000 + C#). ?

How do most people handle these situations? ?Right now I have a seperate function which receives the parameter values as params and then handles creating the parameters and executing the stored procedure. ?I'm not sure how to handle passing that I want one of those to be null, at least not without having multiple functions and possibly various stored procedures for different possibilities.


I would recommend not using stored procedures if this is what you want to accomplish. Like you said you would have to create multiple stored procedures for each variation. Instead create the insert in your code. I use a string builder to build an SQL statement. Within the logic of your system you can put if then statements to determine what the user inputed and therefore how to build the SQL and correlating params.

Have you tried to pass the value DBNull.Value to the stored procedure? Not sure that this would work, but it might be worth a try if you want to keep your stored procedures.

Hope that helps.

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