I am writing a .NET based application to create large XML data files using
SQLXML classes and FOR XML EXPLICIT queries. What are some strategies I can
use to break up and process these large result sets? The overhead of issuin
multiple queries by breaking them up via WHERE clause filters isn’t the wa
y I
want to go since my queries are very large and take significant time to
process within SQL server.
I am currently experiencing out of memory exceptions on some larger result
sets (~50-60 Mbytes total XML file size). My first attempt was using
SqlXmlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader and an XmlDocument via this snippet of code:
XmlReader xr = forXMLCommand.ExecuteXmlReader();
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
This throws a System.OutOfMemoryException on the call to ExecuteXmlReader
when the result set gets very large.
I also tried using SqlXmlCommand.ExecuteStream thinking I could read a
buffer of chars at a time to process these large result sets but this also
resulted in a System.OutOfMemoryException on the call to ExecuteStream:
Stream s = forXMLCommand.ExecuteStream();
StreamWriter sw3 = new StreamWriter(mResultsFileName);
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
char[] c = null;
while (sr.P() >= 0)
c = new char[10000];
int numRead = sr.Read(c, 0, c.Length);
sw3.Write(c, 0, numRead);
I have tried running my application on two different systems one with 1G of
main memory and the other a Win2K3 server with 8G of main memory. Both
systems seem to run out of memory at the same 50-60 Mb limit) Are there any
.NET memory settings I can tweak to give my .NET application more memory?
Thanks for your suggestions and ideas,
ScottThe XmlReader is a streaming interface which should not run out of memory
via the SqlXmlCommand.ExecuteStream method.
Loading into an XmlDocument however will cache the entire document into
Can you remove the following two lines from your repro and see if you are
still having the problem:
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
Thanks -
Andrew Conrad
Microsoft Corp
That was exactly my thought as well, but ExecuteStream is throwing an
OutOfMemoryException. I am NOTcalling XmlDocument .Load in the code that
uses ExecuteStream.
Here is my full method I am using:
private void ExecuteSQLXMLCommandExecuteStream()
SqlXmlCommand forXMLCommand = new SqlXmlCommand("Provider=SQLOLEDB;DATA
SOURCE=Gibraltar;Initial Catalog=RDCModel;User ID=sa;Password=XXXX");
forXMLCommand.CommandType = SqlXmlCommandType.Sql;
StreamReader sr1 = new StreamReader(mQueryFileName);
string query = sr1.ReadToEnd();
query = query.Replace("\r\n", " ");
query = query.Replace("\t", " ");
forXMLCommand.CommandText = query;
Stream s = forXMLCommand.ExecuteStream();
StreamWriter sw3 = new StreamWriter(mResultsFileName);
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
char[] c = null;
while (sr.P() >= 0)
c = new char[10000];
int numRead = sr.Read(c, 0, c.Length);
sw3.Write(c, 0, numRead);
catch (SqlXmlException ex)
ex.ErrorStream.Position = 0;
string sqlErrorString;
sqlErrorString = new StreamReader(ex.ErrorStream).ReadToEnd();
catch (Exception ex)
""Andrew Conrad"" wrote:
> The XmlReader is a streaming interface which should not run out of memory
> via the SqlXmlCommand.ExecuteStream method.
> Loading into an XmlDocument however will cache the entire document into
> memory.
> Can you remove the following two lines from your repro and see if you are
> still having the problem:
> XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
> xd.Load(xr);
> Thanks -
> Andrew Conrad
> Microsoft Corp
> http://blogs.msdn.com/aconrad
>|||Try using SqlXmlCommand.ExecuteToStream() instead of ExecuteStream.
Because of some technical limitations with COM interop, ExecuteStream
caches results.
Andrew Conrad
Microsoft Corp
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