Wednesday, March 7, 2012

hard question.. is it possible to update many column of data in 1 query?

in my original database have a column which is for "path" ,the record in this column is like → 【mms://】

this kind of column is about 1202,045 .. I don't think is a easy job to update by person.. it may work but have to do same job 1202,045 times..

I have to change 【 mms://】 to 【 mms://】

I tried to find the reference book and internet . can't find out the answer for this problem.

can you help? or maybe is it a impossible job?


As long as you're using an exact match it shouldn't be an issue. (UPDATE TableName SET FieldName = NewFieldValue WHERE FieldName = OldFieldValue)

But, if you're talking about have to fix the path for a lot of different files, you'll have to do either a complex sproc that can parse the path or a small application that pulls the initial set using a LIKE query for the path to be changed and then turns around and does an UPDATE on each record to the new path.


thank you

problem is to fix the path but I can't really understand your suggest

can you explain more or just give me a simple example please

I appreciate your help, thank you very much


You can use REPLACE to fix your path value. Here is a sample:

UPDATE pathToChangeSET path =replace(path,'192.12','202.11')
It will replace all 192.12 with 202.11 if you run this query for your table.

thank you

sorry I didn't make my question clearly ..

the problem can't be resolved by use replace

for example

in the same column " voice"

some are looks like → mms://

some are looks like → mms://

also we have others like → "this voice is mms:// " -- the last kind of data we don't know how many cheracter front of the path...


do you have any good idea to change the path without manually

thanks again..


Do you want to change mms://, mms://, and this voice is mms:// or anything up to the first slash (/) to mms:// If this is the case, you need to find the location of this slash and get this job done with a string operation.

Post some sample data and the result you are expecting. It will save time to get result. Thanks.


sorry.. not make my question clearly enough still..

here are the example for my question..

in Table name Movie, have a column name "Movie_Voice"

Voice_no | Movie_Voice

1 | mms:// want change it to be → mms/

2 | mms:// want change it to be → mms/12/79/ef13-79-01.wma

3 | there are the voice path mms:// want change it to be → there are the voice path mms/

4 | your voice path mms:// want change it to be → your voice path mms/98/2/23.wma


the voice_no 3 and voice_no 4 are the hardest part for me to think out a way to resolve ,because I don't know what are front of the mms path

the reason why I have to change the data in database . I move all wma files to root and creat a file name mms, so now I have to change all path

which alreday list in database...

thank you


Hi jc,

If these are the only patterns or u have more patterns. If you can provide me a list of pattern i can create a regex to update the column for you which you can use to update the column



unfortunately... I can't list a pattern for this problem

because... the pattern may be up to 4000 or more...

some of tables which including all html tag to 1 column . the column not have the mms path not only have some html tag ..


Can u send me the exported table in a txt file or a mdf file

coz without seeing the patterns nobody will be able to produce a desired solution



thank you , I have just sent !


Hi Try this function,

Select dbo.PatternReplace(TestColumn,'%mms://%/','mms/'),TestColumnfrom pro_Lesson_Text

CREATEFUNCTION dbo.PatternReplace










-- First character in a match


-- Next character to start search on

DECLARE @.NextINTSET @.Next= 1

-- Length of the total string -- 8001 if @.InputString is NULL

DECLARE @.LenINTSET @.Len=COALESCE(LEN(@.InputString), 8001)

-- End of a pattern


WHILE(@.Next<= @.Len)


SET @.First=PATINDEX('%'+ @.Pattern+'%',SUBSTRING(@.InputString, @.Next, @.Len))

IFCOALESCE(@.First, 0)= 0--no match - return


SET @.Result= @.Result+

CASE--return NULL, just like REPLACE, if inputs are NULL

WHEN @.InputStringISNULL

OR @.PatternISNULL


ELSESUBSTRING(@.InputString, @.Next, @.Len)






-- Concatenate characters before the match to the result

SET @.Result= @.Result+SUBSTRING(@.InputString, @.Next, @.First- 1)

SET @.Next= @.Next+ @.First- 1

SET @.EndPattern= 1

-- Find start of end pattern range

WHILEPATINDEX(@.Pattern,SUBSTRING(@.InputString, @.Next, @.EndPattern))= 0SET @.EndPattern= @.EndPattern+ 1

-- Find end of pattern range

WHILEPATINDEX(@.Pattern,SUBSTRING(@.InputString, @.Next, @.EndPattern))> 0

AND @.Len>=(@.Next+ @.EndPattern- 1)

SET @.EndPattern= @.EndPattern+ 1

--Either at the end of the pattern or @.Next + @.EndPattern = @.Len

SET @.Result= @.Result+ @.ReplaceTextSET @.Next= @.Next+ @.EndPattern- 1





Result looks good Check my mail for the Results. Let me know in case anything else is required



It looks like this would do it as well:


SET Movie_voice=REPLACE(REPLACE(Movie_voice,'mms://','mms/'),'mms://','mms/')


Hi motley,

Its a good try but the problem is he has different patterns in the data to update. So need to update patterns not static string.



Maybe I misunderstood what he was asking for, but wouldn't the code you gave change:

mms:// to mms/stufff? And that's not what he showed what he wanted for #1 & #3.

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